transparency and house rules

house rules
At little living room, we believe all people are created equal. In our eyes, everyone deserves to be treated with equal respect and care no matter their differences and experiences. Therefore, we believe having some non-negotiable house rules is vital!
1. No individual will receive any form of abuse due to gender or sexuality.
2. No individual will receive any form of abuse due to their ethnicity, race, nationality, personal identity, religion, socio-economic status.
3. No individual will receive any form of abuse due to medical status, disability, or impairment.
4. Only under exceptional, protection-based, health and safety circumstances can individuals coerce or force others to start or stop participating.
5. No individuals working for the little living room will receive any form of abuse or disrespect from customers. Service does not equal subservience.
6. Content will remain inoffensive in line with the above rules. If uncomfortable with censoring we are open to discussion with you but we do not want to cause undue discomfort for our audience and members.
Please don’t break these rules. We don’t think they are that difficult to follow. We think they boil down to actively trying to not be cruel and rude to other people.
If you want to talk to us about our rules, please do! We appreciate feedback and review the rules quarterly to try and make sure they remain relevant.
terms and conditions:
1. Sign Up
1.1 Sign up to the creative collective occurs via a profile creation on the Little Living Room website.
1.2 When signing up and prompted with terms and conditions, only members who agree can become collaborators with the creative collective.
2. Cancellation
2.1 Cancellation can take place at any time.
2.2 Cancellation should take the form of written notice either by email or letter.
2.3 Cancellation ends the further production of copies of any artwork for the purpose of sale as items.
2.4 Upon cancellation all previously produce reproductions may be sold by the collective. Proceeds will continue to be split as per the agreement in section 5.1.
2.5 If upon cancellation the collaborator wishes reproductions to not be sold, all items can be purchased from the collective for the cost of production, shipping, and tax.
3. Image Rights
3.1 All images uploaded by collaborators remain the intellectual and visual property of the creator.
3.2 Upon cancellation, all images remain the property of the creator.
3.3 Upon cancellation, all reproductions of the image already produced may be sold.
4. Collaborations and Reproductions
4.1 Submissions of work occur online via the individual profile page online.
4.2 Images submitted will be subject to reproduction in the form of prints, postcards, stickers, bookmarks, sketchbook covers, and any other merchandise produced on behalf of the collective.
4.3 Reproductions of the image will include the artists’ name and will be available for sale online and in at least one physical location in Edinburgh.
5. Revenue and costs
5.1 Profit from a sale will be split between collaborator and collective 50-50.
5.2 The costs of production, shipping, and tax will be shared by the creative collaborator and the collective.
5.3 The cost of shipping purchased reproductions will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
6. Social media
6.1 Collaborators agree to allow their images to be used on social media. All art used by the collective will include the name of the artist and a link to their social media pages or website.
6.2 The Little Living Room does not condone or accept and abusive language or material to be shared in its name by any of its affiliates including collaborators.
6.3 If collaborators wish to opt-out of being shared on social media, they are entitled to and can contact the collective’s facilitators to request a freeze on online sharing.
7. Featured artist
7.1 All collaborators will have the opportunity to be a featured artist on social media.
7.2 A featured artist will be selected for each month, and no collaborator can be featured twice before all other collaborators are featured once.
7.3 There is a two month intake period from when a collaborator joins and can be a featured artist.
8. Art weekend
8.1 All collaborators will be invited to take part in either day of quarterly art weekends.
8.2 All collaborators should they desire will be given space to show original work or talk about their work as in person features during art celebration weekends.
8.3 All revenues from original pieces sales at art celebration weekends will be split between the collaborator and the collective at an 70-30 ratio.
9. Workshop
9.1 Collaborators have first priority in the formation and running of their own workshops.
9.2 Collaborator pay for workshop time slots and earn from ticket sales at the same rate as all other workshop facilitators.
10. ‘Moral standard Quality’ of work:
10.1 We retain the right to remove artwork that we do not consider to be in line with our policies.
10.2 See Zero-tolerance policy and House rules.
11. Communication with facilitators
11.1 Communication between collaborators and the facilitators of the collective is encouraged.
11.2 All forms of communication ie. digital, in person, or over the phone are acceptable.
11.3 Facilitators will communicate with all collaborators at least once a month to update on sales, production, and with any other necessary business.
11.4 All collaborators will be placed on the mailing list and receive weekly updates on workshops, events, and other going-ons at the collective and its associated café.
let us know if you have any queries
little living room, we look forward to celebrating your creative outlet in our creative community hub
what do I have to do to make prints?All you have to do is express your interest via the links in get involved! Submit art and if you want to make prints, let us know. After you let us know we can make prints, all you have to do is sit back and wait for the prints to be made and sold!
how much will I get from the prints?For each print that we make and sell of your art, you earn half of the profits. For an A4 print you will earn about £14 and for an A5 you will get about £6.50!
what is the difference between you and Redbubble or other print marketplaces?Two things: firstly, our commission rate of 50% to you is better than any other online print marketplace we have seen with the next closest at 20%. Secondly, we invest all of our profits into supporting other creatives and would-be creatives!
how do I know my art is safe?You always own your art! We make small print runs and keep your work as limited edition pieces. If you ever cancel your agreement with us, we will not print more of your art - simple as.
what makes little living room different from other publications?We are a social enterprise. Our profits are paid to creatives and invested to help promote and support creativity. To engage with our beneficiaries, one in every five copies of each publication are given for free to marginalised groups and individuals from low income backgrounds! We provide feedback, and seek out individuals who have not been published before. Experience level doesn't matter to us! Also, every contributor included in an issue gets a copy of that publication for free as a thank you.
what makes little living room different from other collectives?We believe in fair payment and support of ongoing work done by our creatives. 50% of profits from prints are paid to creatives. We make online portfolios to get your art out there. We will help market your work on our platforms and if requested we will give you feedback!